[SasView Users] SAXS data analysis

Benson Jacob via users users at lists.sasview.org
Mon Sep 4 13:55:51 EDT 2023


I am using the SasView software to do SAXS data analysis, and I have a
couple of questions.

When performing the correlation function analysis, is it possible to save
the raw data used to generate the correlation function in a text file in
order to replot the data?

Also, when I look to perform the invariant calculation, I am loading a .dat
file, but the software is unable to generate the 1-D SAXS data plot, and
gives an error message when calculating the volume fraction. How can this
be resolved?

Thank you,

*Benson J. Jacob*
281-309-8285 | bensonjacob4 at g <bensonjacob4 at tamu.edu>mail.com
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