[SasView Users] Help needed with testing of the pre-release version of SasView 5.0.6

Stephen King - STFC UKRI via users users at lists.sasview.org
Thu Feb 9 13:14:07 EST 2023

Dear SasView Users,

The Development Team is pleased to announce that the forthcoming new release of SasView, version 5.0.6, is now available for beta-testing. 5.0.6 is strictly a bug fix release addressing many of the top issues identified by the user community, particularly usability issues.

At a number of recent conferences, including SAS2022 in Brazil, there has been much discussion about how more of the user base could contribute to this community development effort. Some of the low hanging fruit identified in these discussions were in documentation (verification and editing) and helping to test new releases. In that vein, we are hoping that many of you will be able to find some time to install and test this beta release. Feel free to also ask others you feel would be willing and able to do so.

You can download Mac & Windows installers at https://github.com/SasView/sasview/releases/tag/v5.0.6rc1. This 'rc1' stands for 'release candidate 1' but will appear in-program as 'b1' for 'beta 1'. For those of you that are Linux users, we will provide a conda install for the full release but are not doing so for these beta releases for technical reasons.

Whilst installing the program, please also take a moment to review the accompanying Release Notes at the link above.

The testing window will run until the end of February 2023. Please report any issues when installing/using the program to the usual help at sasview.org<mailto:help at sasview.org> or, if you prefer, complete a GitHub bug report at https://github.com/SasView/sasview/issues/new?template=bug_report.md.

When reporting back, please make it clear that you are testing version 5.0.6rc1/5.0.6b1 and also provide us with the platform you are using (ie, Windows, Mac) and your specific operating system version. But it would also be great to hear from you, again including the platform/OS you use and what parts of SasView you used, if you do not encounter any problems!

Thank you for your continued help and support!

The SasView Development Team

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